Monday 19 April 2010

WSOP Circuit Event 6 and Texas holdem against casino

Well I entered the WSOP event #6 today for $230, 311 players. Starting stack was 6k, and the blinds were 40 minutes. I was on a table that included the A3o lady I rinsed last tourney I played in Caesars, and I saw her reraise and go to the showdown with pocket 33's despite every card on the flop beating her, so I knew she was playing shit. She had a fair few chips though through some big moves on dangerous boards.

I had 44 and called the 300 raise to see a flop of J63 rainbow. Checks all around. Then the turn comes another Jack and I call a 200 raise to see the river. The river comes a 4 to give me the full and I reraise all-in and get called off the nut flush who hit it with my 4spades to double up very early in then tourney. Happy days!

Next big hand I have 67c (waitseys jackpot hand!) and flop the nut straight against A3o lady and manage to get a bit out of her before the river. She was the 2nd big stack and had 9k behind her. I push all in to look like bluff when there was a J and K on turn and river and after I hollywood it to look like a bluff she calls with AJo. Nice one, thanks for the gift donkey girl! Great that I had a read on her and even Arian had said she's a calling station. 2 doubles up in the first level and I'm rolling good baby yeah!

I got moved to another table and call with 89 and the flop comes 7J3 in a raised pot. The turn comes the T to give me the nuts and one guy pushes all-in for 5k. I push for 25k and the big stack at the new table lays down the same hand as me and is tilted due to me pushing him off the same hand. They call me ballsy and I laugh it off while secretly loving the new table image, it buys me quite a few blind steals for the next hour or so. 1st break I've got 35k and theres 250 players left.

In the 2nd round I've got AJ and raise 2k and get reraied to 6k from another decent stack. The flop has an Ace on it, and the guy bets out. I reraise to 3x his bet to see where im at and when he calls it I know I'm up against AK. Turn comes a J and I ship it in and the guy calls so I win another massive pot!

I get aces 2nd from under-the-gun and raise to 3k. Everyone folds and I pickup an easy pot. Next big hand I've got two red aces under-the-gun and just call, but no one reraises and im left in a 4 way pot with an 8TJ flop with 2 diamonds. Theres betting then the turn comes a 9 so alls that is needed is the T. Someone bets out big and after thinking a while I reraise allin with the semi-bluff on the Ace of diamonds. Everyone folds and I take another big pot.

I raise with A8d to steal the blinds and get reraised all in from the short stack. Its only 4k more when I'm on 45k so I call and he has QK. Flops got a Q93, turns a J and rivers a T so I take another decent pot. Sick but I'm loving it lol.

Total count at next break is 65k, average is 18k, 100 left.

I get nothing when we get back, and even lose a few races with the best hand for a few thousand each time. By the time the tea-time break comes I'm back to average and have nothing to do for an hour, so I stick $260 dollars down on Texas Hold-em against the house. I get told to leave it alone from a chinese dude whose just been rinsed.

Basically you have to put at least 10$ on the ante, and double it to see the flop. The turn and river you can check, but if you bet its the same as the ante bet. You can also put 5$ on a bonus bet, which pays if you get pocket pairs or Ace-paint/AA etc. It pays 30:1 for Aces, 1000:1 for aces in my hand and dealers hand. 15:1 for AK etc. I go down to $80 from 260, then hit a run that puts me back up to $250. I go back to the poker room with 1minute to spare without even timing it.

Back to the tourney and on the bubble im bobbing around average and end up calling an all in with AJo because of a bad read on a player re-raising one off the button. He has AK and I end up going out in 40th place, top 36 pays! Gutted, but still happy overall with my performance.

I decide I'll get pissed at that Texas game so stick the $250 dollars down and get $10 more for drink tips, then I hit the double vodkas and coke. I saw a mexican guy come with $1000 and lay $50 on the bonus every hand and hit nothing, not even win his hand. I played for 6 hours there, although it didn't feel like it. I saw that mexican dude come back 3 times with 1000-1500 each time and he only hit the bonus once. He must have lost at least $4500.

As this was going on I was hitting hands and bonuses for fun. At first I was tipping when I hit the bonus. Eventually I was putting the bonus on every round and another $5 tip on the bonus too! I hit aces 6 times and the dealers must have been tipped $1500 easy. I went from $260 to $800, back to $300, then I hit Aces three times in an hour. I was pissed by then, had been comped free cigarettes when I ran out, and was playing a $5 tip on the dealers every hand. We were high-fiving every other hand as I was paid over and over on the bonus and hitting full houses and beating the house 80% of the time. I doubled my bet, and suddenly I was being handed a $500 chip, then the dealer made me change up some of my chips into a $1k chip and refused to let me break it down into $5. They were loving the tips but weren't letting me lose it at all, forcing me to quit while im ahead and we were all laughing our heads off when I kept announcing they're getting paid again :)

I left when I used up all my spare $5 chips, and headed off to the cage for a nice cash of $1500! What a night its been. Tired and drunken, I'm off to sleep with a nice score in my pocket that puts me even from when I arrived.

Great day all in all. Waitsey and Arian were asleep when I went out this morning, and were getting worried until I turned up drunk and rich after a great run in the WSOP circuit event.

My confidence is back up and so's my bankroll. Tomorrow will be fun whatever happens, because I'm rolled for it and running good mofo's!


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