Saturday 24 April 2010

More luck at the Wynn

Well I've had another shift playing the Wynn tourney at midday for $120. After some battles and great luck (67 flops 58, 2 all ins, I call and one guy shows 99 so i'm pretty screwed with my draw, turns a 4! I easily covered them anyway, but it was still jammy!) I place 2nd for $930. Bit disappointed really as the guy I was playing was a poor heads up player and I didn't use my post flop advantage on him. Ended up Allin with KTo and he had ATo. Sucks but its better than 3rd prize of 650 or 4th of 450 lol.

Not much else has gone on, except my arms hurting from my new tatoo. Its 2 red Aces on my arm with Jack and Kayleigh on them, the best thing to come out of my 'deck' lol. I came back to the room to catch up with Arian and Waitsey and they were out, so I decided to go play the Caesars palace game but bust out in a stupid tired way. 10+ hours of poker dims your wits!

So tomorrow I'm going to play the $540 circuit event and hope to score big before I come home. Its a 2 day event and I think 1st place will be something like 40k or maybe more. Shame if you win over 5k they withold it until you get a lawyer to free it up which costs you 10-33% of it.

More luck would be cool Michael, lots of it :)

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