Thursday 22 April 2010

Gangsta style

We got up this morning determined to do something on our TODO list. We decided to go to the Gun Store and try some real guns out. I got the zombie package, which meant I fired 4 guns at some Zombie targets and one Bin Laden picture lol.

The first one was a shotgun and had some kick! Because of the long barrel it was easy to aim and I shot the hell out of my target lol. Afterwards I shot a pistol of some description, another big ass gun I've no name for, and an automatic machine gun. The machine gun was awesome, although as soon as the first shot fires it rises up and up with every shot. Pictures on my facebook:

Then we took a taxi to Fremont Street to go to the gambling store. I bought a new poker set and a book and some more cards. I think I've got 10 decks at the moment lol. Presents for all! We stopped by Binions to get a picture of us all with the million dollars they've got there.

After we messed around in the room, we went downstairs and me and waitsey stuck $20 each in two Wheel of Fortune machines. Waitseys ate his cash fast, but mine hit the wheel several times and I cashed out for $250. We went halfs on it.

We at at the Garden Grill, played a little guitar hero arcade and played around in this oxygen bar. After tasting/sniffing oxygen or whatever you do with it, we had a go on the water massagers. Not brilliant and it lasted too long. It was very repetitive.

We then headed to Caesars to play the $160 tourney at 7pm and had a last longer bet. I got nothing and was half my starting stack when I flopped two pair in a raised pot with 4 callers and JTh. I put 1500 in and the guy calls. Turn brings an 8 which makes it dangerous and instead of pushing i put another 1500 instead of pushing. The guy calls again leaving me with 2k left and hits the nuts with his AK when a Q comes. Doh! Stupid bet sizing mistake. Waitsey won the bet but got nowhere still.

Tomorrow is the Grand Canyon helicopter flight, so hopefully we'll have a laugh and cross that off our TODO list too. Really missing home now though :( xxx

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