Wednesday 21 April 2010

Down and Up, Tourneys are the future!

I went shopping for a new guitar after a few hours sleep while the lads were snoozing from playing cash til late. I managed to get a nice deal on a 3/4 size parlour guitar from Taylor, a decent make. It'll be easier to carry around than the dreadnought I've got. $300 gone. We went shopping and had some nice food after we had a prop bet on who could stay on the bull in the bar longest. I was off in 4 seconds lol. Arian and Waitsey tied for 23 seconds and had to ride it again. I lost but I was glad I didn't have to ride again. It wrecked! Arian took it down with 1 second difference lol.

Later when we went out again I also picked up a few bits a pieces, including some sound activated equalizer shirts from some stall or other. Arian bought us some huge drinks that were in plastic glasses nearly as large as me. I was half cut by the time I got halfway down lol.

The lads went to play cash but I wanted to try my hand at the Texas Bonus game I played to win that $1500. I decided to watch a couple of songs at the Bellagio Fountains before playing, the 2nd song was All That Jazz, choreography was spot on and it looks class with the lighting.

I sat down at the table and lost hand over fist but got more pissed on vodka. I left $700 down, just about all my new roll. Never mind, at least it passed a couple of days and I got something material out of it.

So this morning I get woke up by Sarah telling me the volcano has blew its top again, and after checking find out that it hasn't. I tried to sleep again but I coudln't because I kept dreaming of Armageddon lol, the hotel crashing down around me while the world falls into fiery pits of DOOM! Damn these weird ass dreams. Last time the pilot crashed into the Nevada mountains, mint!

So I woke up sweating, feeling hung-over, skint, and generally unwell. I think I was massively dehydrated and on the way to play the Wynn midday tourney, but on the way the heat and walk was doing me in. It took me 3 hours of sitting in the Wynn to really get my head together.

I got to the Wynn at the start of Level 2 and lost a lot of chips drawing to the nuts. You start on 9k, I ended up on 5k, not good. So I give my head a shake and sorted myself out.

I got TT and after a lot of callers some guy pumps it to 700. I didnt want to throw away the TT or risk it all so I call rather than reraise all in. I flop a set and the guy whacks 3000 in. I push in the for rest of my stack, he shows AA, and I double back up :)

Next hand I get two red AA and after I raise and get 1 caller, the flop comes 5JK all diamonds. The guy bets 1500 and I push all in. He calls with QKo and I turn the nuts. Happy days!

Next level I get 99 and raise to 900 and get 1 caller. The guy bets 1500, I min reraise to 3000 and he rereraises to 6000! Ouch. I flat call because the pot is getting silly (not a good move!) and the turn helps me out with my set! Booyaka. We end up all in and the guy shows 45 for two pairs. The river gives me quads! Ship it!

At the break im a massive chip leader, 45 left of 56 and im on 50k!
By the time its the next break, thanks to a few massive pairs, theres 18 left and Im on 98k! Average is only 34k.

I basically keep the pressure on and battle it out until the final table where i'm the chip leader. We lose 3 players before the rest of the table keep asking to share the money out. I'm not too keen, but after losing a big hand and doubling an asshole up, I agree to chop it. The new chip leader says no, so we play a few more hands and I win them all with pure aggression lol. AJ against QK allin with a small stack and he spikes a Q. We end up chopping it at that point so people can move on to the next tourney. Im up $700, but I want to get 1st in a Vegas tourney damnit!

We headed to the Steak house in Circus as its meant to be awesome and pickup some tickets for the Blue Man Show at the Venetian. That was one weird ass show, but pretty cool if you only get to see one show. We got pictures to post coming up.

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