Sunday 25 April 2010

WSOP Circuit Event 6 $540

Started with 10k, then I was short stack with 5k after I had good drawing hands that never came to fruition. I laid down the straight flush draw when I check raised this woman on the flop and knew she had a good spade when she called. The turn was another spade and I knew I had to lay it down despite the straight flush draw. whenever your relying on miracles your in bad shape.

I had QT, flops Q9J and one person bets out 300, the other one raises to 1200 and I push all in wih top pair and best draw. She turns the made straight with 8T and I end up on a 1.2k chip count... I managed to double up with AJ vs. QK and no help to either of us. I got the two red aces tatooed on my arm so felt this could be the hand to double me again, but no one played so i picked up the blinds + antes. 3k at the break, average is 14k.

After the break my luck changed and with some good playing and a double up with 88 vs AK I'm hoping my coinflips keep falling on my side. Average stack is 22k and I'm on 25k! 60 left of 142.

The next 3 levels I managed to get to 30k but quickly lose that advantage.
I get AQo under the gun and raise to 3000 (blinds 400/800 with antes of 100), and this lady reraises me to 10k. I fold and show AQ and she mucks AK face up. An asian cash game player says I play well, showing discipline :)

So I'm on 20k and get TT. I call the womans raise and the flop comes T67 so I've hit trips. I bet out 2k and she calls to catch her miracle 8 card on the turn, by the river we're all in and she shows A9 to munch my well earned stack back to 3.5k.

I managed to steal the antes/blinds with K9o then the blinds at 600/1200 were almost on me and I get 78o. I push all in for 8k and get called off KK. Flops 689 giving me a pair and up and down draw, turns a K....rivers a blank and I'm out of there.

Gave it my best shot, but the cards weren't as golden this time around. I should have gave more thought to the call with trips and the eventual all in. At least I've learned more this trip than I could have playing online.

I might give the Venetian deepstack tourney a look tomorrow, go for another big one.

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