Sunday 18 April 2010

Two tourneys, one proposition bet

Today I got up after 5 hours sleep and got myself ready for the Wynn $120 12pm tourney. By the time I was ready it was 12.30 so I had to get there ASAP before the late registration closed at 1pm. I got there in time and sat down to hit a run of good cards that put me in a decent standing at the table. I had AQ flops KJ5, I bet out like I've got it and get called. Then the turn brings the T and I bet and get called again. The river comes the 9 so that all the villain needs is a Queen for a straight, so I push all in. Unfortunately the villain doesnt have the Q, but I doubt he'd have called any river bet anyway. It was a +ev move for sure.

Later I donk off 5k chips with a bad read and leave myself semi-short. I get QKh and raise to 2k but get reraised to 4k, I just called that bet. The flop is TJx so I'm up and down and first to act. I check it to induce a bet and it happens as I expect. I push all in and she snap calls me with trip T's. Not a big deal because I have to hit when she calls regardless of what she's got. I miss the draw because the turn is a Q and river is a K giving me 2 pair, but thats no good to me! Early exit, but not really badly played except a single bad read.

I head back to the hotel and on the way do some souvenir shopping. The heats really bad and it reminded me to get sunblock. By the time I got back to Circus, Waitsey and Arian up and about. It still took over an hour to get out of the hotel. I tried to steer the lads to Freemont Street in downtown so I could check out the guitars and see if I can get a cheap one that I can maybe sell back to them at the end of next week. We were told not to bother going by the bellboy dude and ended up in a shopping district in downtown. Not good at all really, loads of designer shops but I don't shop! We spent a fair few hours there then we decided to go back to Caesars for the 7pm $160 I placed in the night before.

Yesterday Waitsey and Arian wanted to put a proposition bet on for whoever lasts the longest wins $50 from the other(s). I didn't go for it since I was low on funds and feeling a bit down in confidence from all the cash game beats. I'd have won an extra $100 ontop of the 842 from yesterday. Today none of us got cards, but I managed to hold out and get 28th place or so out of 105 players while never going above 130% of my starting stack. I went ahead with the prop bet tonight, but only for $20. Waitsey and Arian had to pay me $40, which lessoned the blow from the $160 entry fee.

Tomorrow we're going to play the $230 WSOP 2 day Circuit event at 12pm and we're putting the $50 prop bet on again, but this time I'm $40 up from the last bet so I'm almost freerolling it :)

The winner should get around 10k and a WSOP gold ring. The rings worth more emotionally to me than the money, but they're combined anyway. I'd still love to cash in this event, so we'll see. I may even meet a few pro's, although its more likely ill meet people who've met pro's and want to talk about it all game long lol.
I suppose its another psychological factor, you gain status by proxy.

Wish me luck!

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