Wednesday 14 April 2010

Awful, just awful!

Had an awful day yesterday, starting with an early morning cash game in Circus Circus. Me and Waitsey went down to see if anyone was playing at 7am and they were! The game was 1/2, which seems to be our usual limits (£0.75/£1.50 ish).

After buying in a couple of times through some awful luck, I was on my last $100 from my winnings the first day. Everyone called 2, I raise to 12 with JJ and get 4 callers including waitsey. Flop comes 663 and I lead out with a bet of 25. One folds, another raises to 50 and Waitsey flats it. I decided I've had enough of the BS and knowing Im probably beat by one person I go all in for my last 80 or so. Both call and the random guy who raised me first is on TT, waitsey is on Q6o for trips. I turn to a guy who rivered a full and ask him for some of his luck. River was a nice tasty J lol. That left me only 60 down from my winnings.

So we go back to the room and off to the Venetian for around 10am. Get some breakfast, and try and signup for the daily 130$ tourney. No joy because they're currently running a Deepstack Extravaganza with a $350 buyin. We all decided we'd play it, but would try and satellite in for $80 (sounds like a bad deal but its a sng that pays 2 seats). I miss in the satellite and hear the main tourney starting. We agreed we'd play the main anyway, so I toddle off and enter myself.

I sat down at the table with 12k chips, got up to 13k, then down a little, back up, then down. I was getting called more frequent due to the action I was giving, so I decide I'll stop playing around and wait for a good hand. 2 seconds later I get KQo. I bet 400, 2 callers. Flops KQ4 with 2 diamonds. Since I had two callers I expect one to hit so I check to let them lead. They all checked and the turn came a J. I come out betting for 800, one calls, another raises to 2800. Now if I'd thought about it, a raise at this point means trouble, but I'm more focused on the fact I've been stealing a lot of pots and leading out a lot. I raise all in and the guy goes into the tank to think, I'm pretty sure he doesnt have the straight as he'd have snapped me, but eventually he does call and shows 9T... ouchy, level 1 exits are never much for the 2 day event.

I sat down at the cash for another beating, KK got beat by 47 after he called my $25 flop bet with bottom pair and hit the 7 for two pair. I was completely done with poker for the day. 350-80-100=530... I still stuck $50 in the video poker and come away with nowt -580... My roll for the day was gone, it was 1pm.

I wandered around the Venetian oggling the shops where nothing has a price tag, never a good sign. They've got a shop thats full of things made of coral reef. A tiny slice of it as a pendant was $450. A foot long Egyptian boat made from it decorated with gold and diamonds was a cool $145,000! I didnt ask about the Golden goblet with all the different faiths symbols decorated on it with diamonds and some other gems. The signing gondoliers are cool, heard a woman gondolier singing like a siren with a family in her boat.

After mooching around a bit, I decided to go back to the hotel on my own and regroup. We've still not sorted communication between us, so I ended up pottering between Circus Circus and the Riviera. I've pillaged the last days money to keep me playing and sat down in Riviera. Built my stack from 100 to 160 with some nice safe plays, pissing a few off in the meantime. Then I got KK and raised to 6. A guy reraises me to 25. I raise him to 50 and he goes all in. I think a little, hoping its not AA, and call to find him with AKh. Flops QQ3, turn 5, river A... My god, i'm sick of this day! -680 (ouchies!)

Another guy got his aces cracked and because he hadn't signed in with his players card he missed out on $50. I ran off and got one at this point lol. Later I've got 44, only me and another in, flops AK8, checked, turns a 4, I check that too as I doubt he'd call if I'd bet it. Rivers another 4 for quads! There was only $5 in the pot, so I decided to overbet to try and get a call and end up sticking $15 down. He thinks for a while and folds his pair of 8's. When I show it I'm suddenly told the high hand rule and that there has to be $10 in the pot!!! I'd have won $240 for nowt and I screwed it up with an overbet for value! what a donkey, not impressed. Rest of the game I got my 2nd buyin almost gobbled up til i was on $35, then managed to pull my head out my ass and got it to $110 before the table split.

I went back to the hotel and slept for a few hours waiting for Waitsey and Arian to come back from the Venetian.

We went back out later, clubbing at the Palms. It was pants, I forgot my passport and you need ID everywhere, had to taxi it back. I got todays money out last night as Waitsey had paid for the taxi as I was ready to quit for the night. So I'm getting ahead of myself now and not in a good mood. When I finally get back to the Palms we go to the Ghost Room, a club on the top of the building. Awesome view! Beers not so good, $39 for 3 double vodka and cokes... To think that its free when im playing poker... They only took me up there to show me the view, then we went to the Playboy room, which is just a fancy high stakes pub/casino where the dealers are wearing bunny ears and its $25 minimum stake on blackjack! we got 3 bottles at $27 and decide thats enough paying for beer.

Arian and Waitsey stick $20 in the video poker as its the lowest limits in the place at $1 (I usually play $0.25). They lose all the money quickly and because they're not even playing the maximum, if they'd hit the Royal Flush they'd have got a measely $4000 instead of $25000! Arian insists on keeping his pairs and also a high kicker and slowly his money goes. I decide to screw it, we'll be sleeping in anyway tomorrow, I'll stick in $50 and see what happens. After playing for 5 mins Arians telling me to come as if we're leaving, but I still had over $50 left! I decide to ramp it up to the maximum and play $5 spins. I hold 55 and hit quad 5's for a tidy $250 win. Woo!

We made it back to the hotel late, as me and Waitsey are walking very slowly like two cripples due to a huge mountainous blister. Due to my afternoon snooze and the damn air con/buzzing unit right out my window, I can't sleep. I think today will be an early one, with a go of the Circus buffet and the cash game here (15 hours played gets you into a 3k freeroll, last week there were only 17 players!). Then some video poker, and later a cheapish tourney. I'm ramping back on the tourney entries until I'm past this awful run or luck/playing.

Starting to miss home, it coincides with losing lol, I must want a hug off the missus and the kids. I'll try and post what happened today later on tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Well babes I hope the bad luck does a runner and you have a better time tonight! Sounds like there are loads of places for you to go and enjoy urself though but at a hellish price!

    me and jack are good we had a fab day out! We went to the glass centre today and jack loved watching the man blowing glass bubbles with a stick - he has been good as gold since you went away have not had to tell him off once for anything. We have just been to the park aswell this afternoon in the hope that it has worn him out and he will go to sleep quickly tonight as your Lee is babysitting whilst me and the rest of the family go for a meal for helens bday. We have had a good few days so far.

    The cuddles will be here for you when u get back!
