Wednesday 14 April 2010

Arrived at last!

We had an awful trip over, with only 1.5 hours sleep each. The bus wasn't that bad, but facing another 11 hour journey on the plane wasn't very cool. Even though I have loads of cameras, Arian wanted a decent one from duty free. I wasn't happy about spending $50 before we'd even got to LV, but we got one anyway because we did need one I guess. $210 left!

The plane did have in seat entertainment via some video screen things with games built in, but our 3 seats didn't work! The whole plane was busying themselves and we were being driven up the wall. Sun was awesome when we arrived though but after deciding we'd stay in and have an early one on the plane, when it came down to it we decided to go out and see the sights.
I managed to steer the party to the Venetian to get signed up for players cards. We turned up in time for the 7pm 100$ tourney but decided to play cash instead so we could leave early. I got seated first at a $1/$2 NL table and put a $100 down. I bounced around $75 to $100 and stole a few unraised pots when it was clear no one had anything.

Noteworthy hands:

I got KK after 5 people had called the straddle making the pot $23, so I raised it to $25 and got no callers. Hey ho.

Next big hand I had KJo and after a blind straddle that I'd called and reraises to $15 and 3 callers, I called for speculation. Flop was 89T with two clubs. Nice flop for me, but I was under the gun so I check and everyone checks behind. Turn comes a Q and gives me the absolute nuts, again I check hoping one of the players has a J, everyone checked - not good because of the possibility of the flush arriving! So I hope for a blank card to make sure I've got the nuts and try and get some value by betting $25, one caller, thanks dude! Finally I was up with $150+

Lastly, right as Waitsey and Arian are leaving, I've called a small raise with A3o and flopped a set of Aces. Now I'm pretty sure another ace is in the action as 4 people paid $7 to see a flop, I check and the last guy to act raises to $15. I hum and har for hollywood and finally call. Turn comes the 3 giving me a full boat. He checks and I check. Turn comes a blank and he checks. I stick $30 in and the guy immediately pushes all in for $190. After I ask how much it is, which was naughty because I wasn't folding a boat, I call hoping he doesnt have a bigger boat. Nope!

So we leave and I was up to $315 from my initial $100 investment, not bad for an hour of play.

I stuck $40 in video poker while waiting around and got 1 off the Royal once, still a bit of waste but hey.

We got some food and basically zombied around for a bit, and now we're going to grab a few hours before the Venetian freezeout tourney tomorrow. Oh, Jennifer Harman was doing some charity auction event while we were playing, although I didn't leave me seat to say I'd actually seen her, I may have saw her back though lol.


  1. Sounds good! I'm not jealous at all. Today I worked on the FFT and went to the dentist. Now who is living it up?

    Good luck!

  2. Just lost almost all of yesterdays roll at the Circus Circus cash game. Just kept topping up and missing every draw. Ended up in for $350 with $100 in front of me when I get JJ. I pop it up to $12 and 4 call including Waitsey. Flops 663 with 2 clubs, I bet $25 and a guy pops it to $50. Waitsey flats that bet and I know im behind, but I'm almost done playing and think screw it and push for the rest of my stack. Both call, guy shows pocket Tens, Waitsey came in with a spawny Q6o, and I river my Jack for a nice $300 pot. Called it a day shortly after. I would have hated to be down before the Venetian game today, so hopefully my mini-michael in my pocket keeps the luck coming :)

  3. What's the game at the Venetian?

  4. All sorts of games there, but I was playing 1/2 cash. See next installment!
