Friday 23 April 2010

1st place in tourney pays for holiday!

So we got up this morning and found out our Grand Canyon trip was off due to the weather, gutted, but at least we get to see it in the sun instead of rain. We headed to the Wynn for the midday tournament, and after I butt heads with Arian over a pot where he has KK and I have KQ and hit the Q on the flop, I lay it down and end up short stack. Basically I went out of that tourney when I pushed on a open ended draw and raggy board and got 2 callers both with two pair! Ouch!

I head back to the room and get myself some sleep, and when Arian and Waitsey come in Waitsey thinks its funny to squeeze toothpaste onto my pillow and arm. I woke up when I felt him standing over me, and immediately wiped it all over his T-Shirt. Arsehole. We've all got no clean clothes left either...

So I lock myself in and have another snooze until its time to get showered and head to Caesars for the tourney there, $160 106 people in.

I start slow then catch a good run of cards that puts me on 45k by the 2nd break. I get moved to a new table and stupidly call a small raise with 46h against the chip leader there hoping to snatch his chips. Flop comes JKh and he bets 10k so I push and he snaps me with AK and I miss the draw. I'm back down to 14k and you start with 10! Stupid arsehole I am. I'm thinking I've screwed up.

Anyhow, I managed to double up twice and sneak into the last two tables. I'm on 26k and the average is 45...oooh. I made a move with ATo in late position and the big stack that almost busted me with AK puts me all in...I give our Michaels picture a rub then say screw it and go. He had A7 and I doubled up. Happy days!

Next hand I get TT and its raised to 14k with one caller. I really don't know if I want to play it, but I count my chips and see I've got 80k+ so I call. Flop comes QTQ and I've hit a hidden full house and a guy pushes all in for 40 and another calls! I try and go all in myself but the bets not big enough or some rule or other. I'm still thinking this is it, Someone could have AQ and hit the Ace on the river. I stand up sweating my bazookas off and a crowd appears around the table to watch a mammoth hand. Someone asks if I had a Q and I say no and they frown at me as if I'm a loony. Then I rake an absolute massive pot to get chip lead and make the final table and take it down for 1st place. $4700 dollar baby, holiday paid for.

Rock on!

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